Sunday, July 29, 2018

Chief Justice SEARS change course. Where was

I was there on Auburn Avn. Church in Atlanta, Ga. That morning first service when Chief LEAH WARD SEARS was Sunday speaker she talk about KING  DAVID,  she was totally against what the Pastor and the church was doing where was Keisha lance bottom Atlanta mayor is a member of that church, Chief Justice said about divorce and was clear she was against it. After few step down from the bench. Of being a Judge and went to work for laws firm from Chicago and she get a divorce, she said all the right things. And she changed her mind. Everything said. How other folks going and have changed there mind. Now she work for Fulton county taxes assessors office. That must mean that my time run out these want out the city of Atlanta, Ga. From the very began these did want here. And did everything to get out here.

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