Saturday, July 21, 2018

With out hope the peoples perish.

I don't know  why anyone said about  the churches here in Atlanta,Ga is because Governor Deal is folks afraid to say anything because churches that states brought and church on Auburn venun

Folks are during by the authorities, biggest danger is hold churches accountable no church can say they working for God and don't do it that very danger.

Wheh you have a governor who is a forceful he believe on the folks who live in states of Georgia,who speak on his behalf and miss use of God words. force the peoples how believe in God Words what and what he say. And fail by not following power God words, he plot don"t work. It backfires. Believe this miss the words of GOD.

With the churches a great folks going a long with all because when don't do what right motvie by gree when no one hold them accountable. The is the peoples will turn from the Church. Because their no church leader. It bad leadership.

And they can't trust there government because why folks have motive the peoples
 Suffer folks kill by the authorities. These folks don't have hope. And if no one cares then that why more die by Authorities.
The must be the church.

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