Friday, July 20, 2018

Former governor of Ga..refuse to go along pastor wrong doing.

I went to church that Sunday when it time former Ga .governer came to Martin Luther Kings home church that former governor paid the way for real change. in the states of Gs. he was running to be governor again he did everything could to change Ga. States flag. That Rev flag. The change flag because when supper court rule on brown v. Board of education that help black folks be able to get equal opportunity in education on the United States of America. The Ga. Legislation mostly white  all white vote change state flag to rebel flag everyone else.the state of Ga legislation vote rebel flag. This despite the peoples of Ga. Black folks. Few years ago the state of Ga. Because that governor supported change the flag and half of Ga. Voters  wanted to keep the old rebel flag and the other want to removed it and so the peoples voted in flavor to removed it and when time for him to be re-elected he lost a Republican the first Republican Governors ever to be elected in the state of Ga. At the that morning when the pastor ask the former governor to go along with his foolish evilness I was right that when the former said no he said strongly refuse to be a parties to that foolishness. That was best governor for black folks we ever had on this state yet this pastor was very mad at him and when pastor time to speak he slam this former belittled him in front all the folks were their morning. It was very sad because this governor give he had and put on the line for to change that rebel flag. Here at Martin Luther king Jr  church and pastor and the members allow this to happen. And the pastor endorses the other candidates for governor because the person run for governor was there I was sad that this did listen to no one who knew he was in endanger the church and churches he had folks that this is wrong. His foolishness  pride and selflessness not only him but folks who follow and following him. But yet refuse to listen to the peoples God sent to him. Now this selflessness pride has effectively all us.


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