Sunday, March 31, 2019

Stop the killing field when State GA. this allow a preacher have control the

when the state government many department head Collusion to with that preacher and this city allow third parties this created a killing field.  so many folks were killed by law enforcement this city offer and county, Marta, across the state of Georgia were at college student was killed and many other folks shot with out a weapon unarm people in the back. The biggest television new station in Atlanta, south east report that a great number. no offer were change with a crime there no churches who stood up against this because if mistreated that preacher there bosses then police office killed folks who was run away from them were killed at alarming rate Created a killed field. the Atlanta child murders it's a great significance that were forty years ago now have four time killed with a weapon in the state that poor woman was drive a car 35 mile hour killed by law enforce offer unarm and one those killed his ax love and her friend. this started here first in this state first this and t across the world, who someone have power to control you government no individual should personal take over or give power to control city, of county, of state official if this happen if very danger to the public. with no training for the job who had more power than police chief and all employee, with the folks killed going created a great lawsuit class action lawsuit. I was there at that church when that preacher were asking for money I believe to give other churches to buy support and help there no church or churches call him out about his action because I believe giving money. and very church, or churches call out the state for all killing of unarms folks was killed by the buy allow someone with out any training has all of the city , county, and state worker in danger. all read and micro manger the chief of police and the public even the state and city employee can file a lawsuit because even if they did the wrong because this folks who is there bosses do not have power to do there jobs who a preacher has just or more power over police or county or state government it very danger. even the wrong doer will win because no judge will go again no police offer if that did have the power to do there jobs. this has put them police in danger too how can really do you jobs when someone who not training to tell what to do therefore a great number of police offer been killed because failed government  take the power away from folks training to do there jobs that put them danger. undermine all of government. no government employee be mistreated because refuse to do wrong doing of there boss command when these employee no there boss is not follow the rule. why has new police chief for this city because maybe they would go along who those folks who of in change corrupt.

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