Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Georgia Governor Lyman Hall is one Descedant

Governor Dr. Lyman Hall which Hall county Ga. name after who signer of the declaration of Independence as a representative of Georgia, his profession: Medical Doctor studied medicine at Yale college Theology at Yale, member continental congress; Governor; founder of UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA. I'M a descedant of  Dr. LYMAN HALL My great grandmother Maton name were the HALL family lived in  Madison county Ga. in a place city call Comer, I knew her more than my grand mother because we lived in the same house we had two room on the right and she had two room on the left I sit on the porch with her when was a little boy. her grand mother was propbably was a slave her mother my start off as a slave but were free after civil war. the master of the family where my family lived were similar to Dr. Lyman Hall father family the children name were similar Peter, Mary .John and like his family they were minister and preacher, and had same name Hall these folks came from the north and went to south Carolina like he did my great grand mother was light skin completion and her hair straight. this name serve only one year as Georgia by he founder of University of Georgia. and one my great grand mother first cousin her had to be thirty old than he was name Y. M. Hall this man is my descendant there two coincidence.  and Crawford W. Long a descendant because my family member said so by my mother and by Y.M. Hall.

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