Sunday, March 3, 2019

Stop the hate governor city of Atlanta Fulton County Government

Just stay lead the nation in hate at the government leaders sponsor by the state government Fulton County government and a bureaucrat of the city of Atlanta I'm connected with DNA that's been here over 200 years three Mayors in the city of Atlanta an ottoman as well John Henry Calhoun segregate the park in Atlanta.
How many folks have died because of domestic violence and how many was influenced by their government to do that act.
I am a whistleblower and a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and forced to live  in horrible condition  because of hate  government hate  in wrong doing. have these people discriminate against no one wants to be discriminated against. Hate Eavil spread like wildfire spreaeded the hate on a continuous base for years this state lead in hate politician the governor'this your folks in inflicted on me . Since 2004  this hate was launched on me You have gave folks encouragement and a license to hate other folks and and you have encouraged them to act out on them act out the police shooting  and people shooting at police because you have undermined the trust of the people  because you have failed to follow the authority people. and encourage went along with wrongdoing about often employees payholidays  monetary gift  to do evil doing people money  to go along and get them to be a participant in your evil doing answer I listen to the new government the few week week ago and we're coming out his mouth the Old Paths I hate because because these folks had planned on putting me in jail and two weeks ago a great deals home burns  up many  folks lost there home. Because their House caught on fire said the per newspaper, but yet he would call them for the continue to put me in jail is your encouragement by you leading the way for hate all the people do is look at you looking at how you treat that preaches who whistleblower that he up against the wrong  doer and government. Killed blackwoman because she killed her boss because he he was sexually harassing they her hunger that woman.

this folks this evil place for to long.and it hadn't gotten better that's why guess what the leading the nation sex trafficking  in women in the United States because they  migrated here continue to happen here and government evil spirit lead the biggest problem we have here in the state is hate that is the major problem in our government hate I believe that's a few weeks ago dead this man killed the Jewish people and family that it was spearheaded by the Evil from state leader what they have good by soliciting folks into participate  in wrong doing other folks into the evil and corrupt doing to stop there state because they refuse support sex trafficking a human here in the state because if you begin to hate people you put it in the place that we can they migrate here to Atlanta, few days ago at I was in the coffee shop and I didn't realize how sick this place really was and how bad this evil have spread it,

 because folks was in there someone came in getting a timeline how how does Eva have spread it by our government and domestic violence continue to rise because evil is spread and supported  government and companies should be ashamed of himself if your employee participate  and Evil and then take the evil with them home  because they have been encouraged to do that by then  employ.

then they take that mess home with them and they spread it with their family and friend and that's what create domestic violence.

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