Sunday, August 25, 2019

Will You help me in jail

I need help will me with a spine specialist  when put me in jail, these  parade me around in different Country want me to go   restaurant and me to eat at then to show folks that were treated good if so why allow me to a spine specialist.

My back is hurting these refuse help me because want put me in jail.

On Friday evening for the first time a long time I get it to go to Grady hospital to see a doctor the pope refused to allow me to go to see a primary doctor.ever I had a Grady card couldn't get a primary doctor from greatest Healthcare System.

That is evil and sick it's just like uncivilized folks would do. That total wrong.

 signed the ca primary care doctor at Grady Hospital I can go to that doctor get a specialist to see for my take out my back.

Will my be without pain again of will get a  every get a back specialist to look at my back and tell me why I continue to have pain day in and day.

These folks have paralyzed me because my back on a continues hurting me why folks refuse to do the right thing.

Will State George help with seeing a a spine back specialist to check out my back

These folks continue tring put m in jail, because I was injured at Holder construction group where work at I hurted on the 16th of Jury 2019 I got hurted  and was in pain every day just look at

Fulton county sheriff's cama Etsy Courthouse South Fulton County they have me on cam Saw how hard it was for me get up that I was hurt. that some major wrong with my back and I cannot get someone to help me

I did go to doctor because this personal did have my interests at heart I could not go to Grady Memorial Hospital because I didn't have a Grady card.

I work at another job site with some company I am day laborer and had to work by Dfac force work over time I made more money than should have these at

my back is still hurting me now and groin I got to have surgery operation to repair my groin for my growing. these folks want put in jail and refused allow to see a back specialist. 

These folks support help sick personal I went Mercy care I can un stand that help the homeless to get off the street, you fall help me with my back

because of the pastor down on

Auburn Avenue and make these promises 2 spokes that they would get American citizenship to the business community and they will get the homeless out of the city of Atlanta answer the fitness hope that they

would have got Atlanta Hartsfield International Airport that man Donald

Trump has came to Atlanta twice somehow God didn't these folks to take over Atlanta Hartsfield Jackson Airport these folks trying put in jail take back to Clayton county Ga

where I was awake whistleblower

These wouldn't listed  to me a holding a whole entire family died in a house fire.because because refuse to believe me now these want seal up that never happen

want the homeless at of  leaving the area closed down homeless shelter in Midtown Atlanta Georgia they're making me

scapegoat by pudding me in jail I did nothing wrong

midtown Atlanta,Ga. by put me in jail this will happen, my back my back is messed up I got hurt at work why would a doctor on a government piece of paper send it.

 I never have chronic back pain I never had chronic back problem  and my life I got injured at work And state of Ga. You said power to put me in jail I have done nothing wrong.

I cannot get a back specialist to look at my back because it is hurting I think I have no damage in my back.

I've been to the Grady emergency room three times in one week yes something major wrong with my back I can't a xray for my back that I been ask for these x ray my hip.

Monday, June 17, 2019



Saturday, June 1, 2019

Preacher, pastor, offier or the court is roll models live up your oaths

After the event happen in around about 2-13-18 Barack Obama was a candidate for the presidency of

the UNITED STATE of AMERICAN when that preacher said for five million dollar and jobs yes I

'm going to help them put you in jail, what you think our children though about that and after their  

hero and roll models  did stand up for right these young men all around start created their our gangs that what state of GEORGIA SAY THEIR GANGS AND START DOING EVIL. BECAUSE THEIR ROLL MODELS THE PASTORS, PREACHERS, AND RELIGION LEADER, SURPORT


What about our children they going to jail and have created victims as well all because there don't have no roll models no one who honor there oaths and follow the ruler of laws.

but created their way doing wrong,

I know that these business folks make money off the name MARTIN LUTHER KING Jr. and HIS

WIFE AND a great deal folks come to the church on Auburn av. in ATLANTA, GA. BUT THIS these folks live with the laws we have and help make the united state of AMERICAN GREATER



yesterday at piedmont park I think about how many folks has eat in that park.

The power to be up all this foolishness up to eat is a necessitate we all have to eat food. And these

folks get reward because they saw me eat food at that park, I remember that apartment a cross the

street set off fire alarm as I was just sated down to eat lunch and all folks that were at home they

came out their apartment and were look at me eating lunch, this was all planed because that preacher

need folks to be on his side and the best way get folks on your side when doing wrong is reward them with a gift. there has so many folks saw eat at piedmont park and all the park in ATLANTA, GA. NO
ONE give something for nothing and yesterday folks was there just to watch eat my lunch this was

created by that cult leaner and city of ATLANTA POLICE DEPT. any yesterday Atlanta police car

was park right by that apartment. and soon pick up bag bread that car move very fast and that car went away.


BEEN GET A TEXT FROM TO GO MCDONALD'S and eat lunch but have my our lunch and these

folks started folks to watch me eat foods and it appear that give them a reward to do it.

This has created and unnecessary thing for me it sick foolish but these folks created this all because get another folks on his side because he can justified his action.
this is wrong.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

WHY Want these folks WANT live UP to the UNITED CONSITIUTION

why should I be allow to eat in the State park or city of A Atlanta park, but to be force to eat at and eatery where cult leader and city and state have there witness to see me eat my food. why should be allow to eat food where any AMERICAN of GEORGIAN eat at in ATLANTA, GA. after all that what all American soldier die for. and that why we have memorial day. these folks don't want to be see here in ATLNTA, GA. because refuse go along with there cult religion that force you to follow there leader, and I WITH THE LORD HELP STOP HE USE ME STOP THAT ATLNTA AIR PORT TAKKE OVER. WHERE IT THE BIGGEST EMPLOYEE IN THE STATE OF GEORGIA AND IT THE BUSIS AIR PORT IN THE WORLD. IT GOT WORTH SOMETHING THESE FOLKS HVE MONEY IN THEIR BUDGET TO HELP ME GET PLACE TO STAY ND GET OFF THIS STREET. THESE USE THEIR EMPLOYEE AND GREAT DEAL MANHOUR TO KEEP ME ON THE STREET. WE ALL AS AMERICAN CITIEN HAVE RIGHT TO READDRESS GOVERNMENT THAT WHAT THOSE AMERICAN SOLDIER DIE FORE, MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. BELIEVE IN UNITED STTE CONSITUTION, AND ALL HE WANTED FREEMDOM FORE EVERYONE TO HAVE.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

These folks keep trying to Niger rigged.

There a work that some old folk would say when the authorities police, lawenforcement use law foolishness on black folks.they would you been Niger rigged because this only effect them as black put them in jail and law to take their property things of value Are because them folks just hate you. Retaliate against you when someone in the right they number do this to control the situation and get the power back to them self I miss using the power of the law. That is Niger trigger if you report on corruption all white people and they retaliate against you and they would pay people if they see you eat anything just give people money if see you eating food all mammals eat food how can you live without eating food.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Gavin Eugene Long need help he did need to hear or see being mistreated

Gavin Eugene Long U.S. Marine Corps  he was deployed to IRAQ his rank was sergeant 2008 to 2009 was awarded the Good conduct medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, National Defense service Medal, Navy unit commendation and other awarded.
he at Clark Atlanta University during the 2012-2013 did this man killed four police officer because you people mistreatment me and still doing it just look at what his Mother said (38) that he would get upset at new stories of black men being shot by police. long studied at Clark Atlanta University  he left I believe after one year because found out how were treated me I was go to two churches in the area but stop this man need help. I just was sit there was doing nothing wrong and pastor never come that church again and their was another church told never come there again or go to put in jail. this man killed Baton Rouge police officers victims Montrell Jackson,32 Matthew Gerald 41, Brad Garafola 45, who were all married and had kids. ambush deputy critically injured  his family said on two year anniversary never forget

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Stop the killing field when State GA. this allow a preacher have control the

when the state government many department head Collusion to with that preacher and this city allow third parties this created a killing field.  so many folks were killed by law enforcement this city offer and county, Marta, across the state of Georgia were at college student was killed and many other folks shot with out a weapon unarm people in the back. The biggest television new station in Atlanta, south east report that a great number. no offer were change with a crime there no churches who stood up against this because if mistreated that preacher there bosses then police office killed folks who was run away from them were killed at alarming rate Created a killed field. the Atlanta child murders it's a great significance that were forty years ago now have four time killed with a weapon in the state that poor woman was drive a car 35 mile hour killed by law enforce offer unarm and one those killed his ax love and her friend. this started here first in this state first this and t across the world, who someone have power to control you government no individual should personal take over or give power to control city, of county, of state official if this happen if very danger to the public. with no training for the job who had more power than police chief and all employee, with the folks killed going created a great lawsuit class action lawsuit. I was there at that church when that preacher were asking for money I believe to give other churches to buy support and help there no church or churches call him out about his action because I believe giving money. and very church, or churches call out the state for all killing of unarms folks was killed by the buy allow someone with out any training has all of the city , county, and state worker in danger. all read and micro manger the chief of police and the public even the state and city employee can file a lawsuit because even if they did the wrong because this folks who is there bosses do not have power to do there jobs who a preacher has just or more power over police or county or state government it very danger. even the wrong doer will win because no judge will go again no police offer if that did have the power to do there jobs. this has put them police in danger too how can really do you jobs when someone who not training to tell what to do therefore a great number of police offer been killed because failed government  take the power away from folks training to do there jobs that put them danger. undermine all of government. no government employee be mistreated because refuse to do wrong doing of there boss command when these employee no there boss is not follow the rule. why has new police chief for this city because maybe they would go along who those folks who of in change corrupt.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Brittney Watts was killed, Chadwick Lecor was killed

Nkosi Thandiwe a security guard
That killed, Brittney Watts per new email who just twenty six years old .who killed. Lauren Garcia was shot it appears can't she walk any more she is paralyzed  from her wounded he wounded one woman that day. This like many security guard were because the state of Georgia, City of Atlanta, and that preacher Church, because mistreated me and Thandiwe get fired that day and he killed Miss Watts and shot two women.
Folks removed this from my computer and the email had of his mother were on my computer. This why I would this to happen again. If you knowledge someone been mistreated even if partied misstated someone and if that feel like they going be misstreated that person my kill someone.
Stop use government to do evil work and churches should be involved doing evil work. This happen. Gregory Favors  killed Chadwick Lecor. per  new email Because folks use these people ?I worked with Gregory Favors because he was that and saw how these folks and great folks know these people treated me and told like all folks he was get some money just like many other folks for his help but some went wrong when Ga. state patrol Chadwick Lecor stop him. with car he was drive and Favors at mited that killed Ga. state patrol Chadwick Lecor  and I way believe cause how these were and still mistreated me and Favors he was being mistreated because had had lawyer before and that Attorney said that Favors never show any danger to no one but that time he did he killed Chadwick Lecor  just as will as Nkosi Thandiwe killed MISS WATTS and shot Lauren Garcia this should never happen again mistreated folks, on one should go along any one you know there action is wrong why would any church, or churches help people or folks do this evils acts. STOP THE HATE GEORGIA, THE CITY OF ATLANTA GA. STOP THE HATE BECAUSE IT NOT OF GOD. NEVER A PREACHER TELL IT ALL RIGHT TO HURT OF HATE SOMEONE ELSE THAT FOOLISHNESS YEARS AGO, THESE FOLKS WERE SCHOOL TO BECOME A PREACHER, OR PASTOR AND ALLOW ME TO BE TREATED UNFARE AND BE PARTISE THAT EVILS BECAUSE KNOW NOT GOD IT IS OF THE DEVILS NOT GOD. JUST LOOK AT JOHN NEWTON STOP FOOLISHNESS AND START FOLLOW GOD HE DID GO BACK TO DOING FOOLISHNESS EVILS.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

The something still occurring yet I need to be treated fare injutice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere

In just few day the shelter will be closing, on March 3l that mean I've go live on the street out in all type weather cold, rain, heat. because I'm a whistleblower all jobs that will hire me is day labor even other License Ordained Minister a  Preacher or the gospel the churches will not help me I left the last two jobs. I had one in each job died because these folks were retaliate against me the last job I had I've to augur with the person who was my boss and the company supper was trying do unsafe things these folks had training on camera and watch the training on a tape. I never receive no training they would allow the to be training who I went there job site, I should been training that site, these folks now gave me nobody that I know training, this is big company. when a former coworker told me that few days ago that someone die at his work site . I was not surprise that happen I just had enough so I left.  I was working by boss that owner  my company.  put in charge of us and the company who were for a approve it both company had to know about it and  these folks trying force one day a union member told me at this site local that should sign a safe sheet every day after safety meeting  some how that safety sheet went away and  time went on these the folks who over the big company start to trying not allow me to sign it the supper and his boss under him were to entraps to do unsafety work put this on camera meet every days then after start that sheet went away then I ask that same union member were safety sheet I support to sign he said to me he did know what was going on  me to do unsafe works these folks continue do this and put there employee to do this too in adequate work practice and training and just the other day went to a job and something still occurring how leaned a job in just one hour and to learn about the safety of it I can work there these force of evil use by this state and local government continue to retaliate against me these folks the government to carry out there evils work. the exact things still occurring and do you think I FEEL about these individual just were killed the last one happen just a few days ago I'm trying move on that   the folks I worked for and the company they worked for these had created danger environment for us all. I can't work for company that put there employee endanger that I knowing it, however I 'm need the money and need to be employed I don't want to live out in the elements. yet I'm the descendants of Gov. Lyman Hall former government of Georgia who signer the United state declaration founder of University of Georgia and three mayor of the city of ATLANTA GA. Mayor Williams Ezzard 3 rd tem, James Calhoun 2rd tem  , Williams. L. Calhoun 1 and Atlanta Ga. city councilman John Henry Calhoun who led created voting right here in the city of Atlanta Ga. and went through the south integrated the city of Atlanta, Ga. Parks and golf clubs for black in this city.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Georgia Governor Lyman Hall is one Descedant

Governor Dr. Lyman Hall which Hall county Ga. name after who signer of the declaration of Independence as a representative of Georgia, his profession: Medical Doctor studied medicine at Yale college Theology at Yale, member continental congress; Governor; founder of UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA. I'M a descedant of  Dr. LYMAN HALL My great grandmother Maton name were the HALL family lived in  Madison county Ga. in a place city call Comer, I knew her more than my grand mother because we lived in the same house we had two room on the right and she had two room on the left I sit on the porch with her when was a little boy. her grand mother was propbably was a slave her mother my start off as a slave but were free after civil war. the master of the family where my family lived were similar to Dr. Lyman Hall father family the children name were similar Peter, Mary .John and like his family they were minister and preacher, and had same name Hall these folks came from the north and went to south Carolina like he did my great grand mother was light skin completion and her hair straight. this name serve only one year as Georgia by he founder of University of Georgia. and one my great grand mother first cousin her had to be thirty old than he was name Y. M. Hall this man is my descendant there two coincidence.  and Crawford W. Long a descendant because my family member said so by my mother and by Y.M. Hall.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Stop the hate governor city of Atlanta Fulton County Government

Just stay lead the nation in hate at the government leaders sponsor by the state government Fulton County government and a bureaucrat of the city of Atlanta I'm connected with DNA that's been here over 200 years three Mayors in the city of Atlanta an ottoman as well John Henry Calhoun segregate the park in Atlanta.
How many folks have died because of domestic violence and how many was influenced by their government to do that act.
I am a whistleblower and a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and forced to live  in horrible condition  because of hate  government hate  in wrong doing. have these people discriminate against no one wants to be discriminated against. Hate Eavil spread like wildfire spreaeded the hate on a continuous base for years this state lead in hate politician the governor'this your folks in inflicted on me . Since 2004  this hate was launched on me You have gave folks encouragement and a license to hate other folks and and you have encouraged them to act out on them act out the police shooting  and people shooting at police because you have undermined the trust of the people  because you have failed to follow the authority people. and encourage went along with wrongdoing about often employees payholidays  monetary gift  to do evil doing people money  to go along and get them to be a participant in your evil doing answer I listen to the new government the few week week ago and we're coming out his mouth the Old Paths I hate because because these folks had planned on putting me in jail and two weeks ago a great deals home burns  up many  folks lost there home. Because their House caught on fire said the per newspaper, but yet he would call them for the continue to put me in jail is your encouragement by you leading the way for hate all the people do is look at you looking at how you treat that preaches who whistleblower that he up against the wrong  doer and government. Killed blackwoman because she killed her boss because he he was sexually harassing they her hunger that woman.

this folks this evil place for to long.and it hadn't gotten better that's why guess what the leading the nation sex trafficking  in women in the United States because they  migrated here continue to happen here and government evil spirit lead the biggest problem we have here in the state is hate that is the major problem in our government hate I believe that's a few weeks ago dead this man killed the Jewish people and family that it was spearheaded by the Evil from state leader what they have good by soliciting folks into participate  in wrong doing other folks into the evil and corrupt doing to stop there state because they refuse support sex trafficking a human here in the state because if you begin to hate people you put it in the place that we can they migrate here to Atlanta, few days ago at I was in the coffee shop and I didn't realize how sick this place really was and how bad this evil have spread it,

 because folks was in there someone came in getting a timeline how how does Eva have spread it by our government and domestic violence continue to rise because evil is spread and supported  government and companies should be ashamed of himself if your employee participate  and Evil and then take the evil with them home  because they have been encouraged to do that by then  employ.

then they take that mess home with them and they spread it with their family and friend and that's what create domestic violence.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

The repairer of the breach.

In bible in book of Isaiah 58:12 you find these of God part c - 12 chapter The repairer of the breach. Like wise the next Governors of Georgia on 1-11-2019 must begain to be the repairer of the breach, restore confident in our government. I rememberjust few months ago when the department of family services may been told that had to relocate because of there employers was under taking high risk action that put them endangering their action may effect there welfare, some some may relocate to another location and may stop working state of Georgia, some theses worker start used there cell phone and take pictures of me because they blame me because they had relocate to another location, but it wasn't me it was their employers, and their governor that refuse to do what right I am a whistleblower these folks refuse to protect me. And next Governors must restore trust that the government is for the people and it by the people, that breach right now just routine traffic stop that will call the police officers his life get published untrusting of government the government has failed the people that day supposed to be protected it's sad to say that we don't have no test search in Georgia, Jeff session, a Mad Dog Mattis in Georgia. that people would stand up for their rights stand up for the people rights even if it caused them to lose their job. And it must be so confident back into government the government won't undermine the trust other people will the government will be there that thegovernment will be that government that anyone work for the government and Report corruption and the government will do that job stop the corruption and not try to put the one not put a whistleblower in          jail that report corrupt acts that affect the public at Large. These refuse to stop right now when you have police have to be confused that they think people are going to kill them because I'm just government have undermined the trust of the people at Large right here in Atlanta Georgia housing I've heard of police shooting people and and this area people who was had no clothes on what kill  police shooting way up because there no confidence in there Government  no Bureau crack has right to put any employee in danger and Hazard condition there employee jobs is to protect and service. These keep trying put me in jail becauseI'm a whistleblower. I did nothing wrong I just stand up for what right. To do know right and do wrong is sin and it evils what evils action of few will effect you direct of indirect it will effect you way of life.