Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Reparation will end racism

This how you keep evils alive by help Gov. Nathan Deal keep racism alive, made a statement about your ghetto grandma but he give few dollar keep racism alive you should thank him because what him and his generation and PRESIDENT TRUMP live file life they living the American dream yet millions and millions  black went prison and still go to prison. But help him he and Pr.Trump of go let folks out jail for to do what tbere mo jobs for black folks you replace them with other worker we of own Reparations by United States of America all disease we inherit from slavery. Impact of still being treated like we nobody that This Pres. Trump call young  black a dog. And Deal call black women ghetto grandma And these have no shame these don't care and about
This evils these folks black leader who were elected by black folks, and churches has turn their head.  on their mission to follow after serve god, the bible no man can serve two master he got love one and heat the other Jesus said that but for few you be  slave. If going a slave you should be a slave for JESUS THE CHRIST. Few dollar is not going to help you. You need Black Americans you need REPARATIONS if PRESIDENT TRUMP CAN go to THE CONGRESS ABOUT LET FOLKS black OUT OF JAILS SURELY HE TELL THEM ABOUT CORRECTING A WRONG. BUT folks BLACK REPARATIONS this help every one
  to start a healing process that long over due. And will start a healing process for America as well.

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