Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Churches and black elected officials keep racism alive

I'm whistle blower, these folks has kelt racism alive, everywhere you look everybody doing best get rid of racism, Gov
. Roy Cooper had called for removing silent Sam and tbe rebel sysbols on public land. He was Attorney general of North Carolina, He Democratic party,but these said democrats those black leader,these black churches vote Democratic, here in ATLANTA Ga. These folks of out with AMERICAN Democracy they support GEORGIA GOVERNOR NATH DEALS to keep the rebels symbol on public land, even if sa6don't support this evils then why would not the rule of law, by hound me and goinv along with foolishness to put a INNOCENT man in jail.our churches is supporting this evil racism. And this got business folks practice this evils. Of course folks will you few dollar to keep racism alive, can't the change this world, these folks own you REPARATIONS to follow these inferior folks. All I'm saying is you see in your time great change God has done in you life time here and you folks has turn away from service him and follow this Gov. DEALS AND PRESIDENT TRUMP, when what you doing is wrong.

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