Friday, August 24, 2018

I-m ask for loveoffering

Thanks you your help i need you and continues to prayer of the righteous availeth must James 5-16 kjv. I'm ask you for a loveoffering, I'm of some places to put my head. I make this appeal to you if you would go togive a loveoffering at this email  address and remember for God hath given us the spirit of fear but of power, and of love,and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 KJV and peace be with you in JESUS NAME I ask you Thank you.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Reparation will end racism

This how you keep evils alive by help Gov. Nathan Deal keep racism alive, made a statement about your ghetto grandma but he give few dollar keep racism alive you should thank him because what him and his generation and PRESIDENT TRUMP live file life they living the American dream yet millions and millions  black went prison and still go to prison. But help him he and Pr.Trump of go let folks out jail for to do what tbere mo jobs for black folks you replace them with other worker we of own Reparations by United States of America all disease we inherit from slavery. Impact of still being treated like we nobody that This Pres. Trump call young  black a dog. And Deal call black women ghetto grandma And these have no shame these don't care and about
This evils these folks black leader who were elected by black folks, and churches has turn their head.  on their mission to follow after serve god, the bible no man can serve two master he got love one and heat the other Jesus said that but for few you be  slave. If going a slave you should be a slave for JESUS THE CHRIST. Few dollar is not going to help you. You need Black Americans you need REPARATIONS if PRESIDENT TRUMP CAN go to THE CONGRESS ABOUT LET FOLKS black OUT OF JAILS SURELY HE TELL THEM ABOUT CORRECTING A WRONG. BUT folks BLACK REPARATIONS this help every one
  to start a healing process that long over due. And will start a healing process for America as well.

Churches and black elected officials keep racism alive

I'm whistle blower, these folks has kelt racism alive, everywhere you look everybody doing best get rid of racism, Gov
. Roy Cooper had called for removing silent Sam and tbe rebel sysbols on public land. He was Attorney general of North Carolina, He Democratic party,but these said democrats those black leader,these black churches vote Democratic, here in ATLANTA Ga. These folks of out with AMERICAN Democracy they support GEORGIA GOVERNOR NATH DEALS to keep the rebels symbol on public land, even if sa6don't support this evils then why would not the rule of law, by hound me and goinv along with foolishness to put a INNOCENT man in jail.our churches is supporting this evil racism. And this got business folks practice this evils. Of course folks will you few dollar to keep racism alive, can't the change this world, these folks own you REPARATIONS to follow these inferior folks. All I'm saying is you see in your time great change God has done in you life time here and you folks has turn away from service him and follow this Gov. DEALS AND PRESIDENT TRUMP, when what you doing is wrong.

Friday, August 10, 2018

These want put me in jail

Yesterday as was leaving Olympic Park went over to Walton street n.w.. as I was walking I found sums money on sideways and pick it up and there a great deal money, under one hundred dollars. Then I ask a man that sit in his car did see any drop some money here he said no. And went one guy parking car and he said he drop it .went on to say it would be a bad for him.if didn't get the money back some gave the money and take a picture of him. And there were another guy  in his truck . Ti was a set up just in time pass i knew it wasn't my money, if would kept it i would be in jail right now. Fulton county District attorney dropped the charged against former Atlanta police officers who killed Deavis Caine Rogers, Fulton county  D.A.knew this when did Gov. Deals knew this he said he never have anything to do with TRUMP but somehow these guy together these knew this was take places why did sit me up against,  one day went the store and pick up a yellow onion and put back because I did want it. I went to Piedmont perk after ate my food . Walk around the park behold there was a onion sit water drain runoff i did bring the onion from the store i did take it either all need is take my picture with the onion in m hand or possessive these folks start call me a thief,  I did steal any anything, they know it but don't care because these want to put me in jail. Why keep government money on INNOCENT man start follow laws not worried about you black or white just the law of justice that what we all want., your race shouldn"t anything to do with it.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

These pump millions dollar States make movies TV. Networks

Few days ago I purchase food from Deli at Wal-Mart and I order the food and I notice that name was what I order but the price was on two time this happened, I just want get what order and the cost it. The others at this it just keep on happened and manager put wrong name on my order. I am not to steal any thing why these folks to put me in jail, third time this store this has happened. These owner a great money why should I go jail. And call city Atlanta police officers after these try best put in jail. I did nothing wrong but that how black  folks get put in jail. Why folks motvie by greed. These pump millions dollar in this states former Mayor,an governor and the legislators agenda all the folks had agenda for this states, when pump all money this you want you will for the states Ga. Money  is power and control, why stop foolishness not help the wrongdoers.