Thursday, May 14, 2020

Why would put a timeline on me

Ahead of time line from me because of the fact that no one knew didn't Clayton county Georgia county police captain Jeffrey Turner one of people I had reported him about the corruption in the Clayton county Georgia community development department, fomer commissioner Robbie Moore jr., And the deputy director Joe Murphy what do an of inspection in his subdivision. And no other inspection was not allow to do any.
These line on my began in the day I told Jeff Turner, because I was call by a church here in Atlanta,Ga who I worked for and their was Atlanta police officer as he pull up to the church in South West Atlanta,Ga.

My Attorney withdraw from my lawsuit case

Thompson Rowling and Swartz was my attorney employment lawyers and the funny thing about it was that I have people calling me interfere with my lawsuit and I had a break-in in my home I finally caught the guy my former boss James Eddie Williams and after I report it to Clayton county Police department I called him an app to police didn't do a good job then do a jump in fact as he pull up to my house I told him have you got out of car James Eddie Williams broke into my house he's my former boss from Clayton county community development and at once I told him that he got back in the car intro ball and came back about 20 to 30 minutes later and Eddie came back he's a got a car looked around look look around for about 2 minutes then he left then I file a lawsuit against him first I went to the district attorney office Clayton county Georgia district attorney Robert Keller, and I spoke to his assistant and at first it's black women with their and she called my lawyer I believe and told her I was there and then I had a chance to meet with his manager apartment management office and she told me so we let them handle their business and we handle our business that's what is that what she said to me that day. And once I got back home I got a phone call from my lawyer Deborah Schwartz and she said she was going to withdraw from the case mycase because I had another lawyer named King he kept calling me kept calling me and I had folks at a thought I knew interfere with my lawsuit, they help Clayton county Georgia out. But I was surprised tilt the lawsuit that devil sword filing The district Court didn't have capsule Jeffrey kind of name on it, when I received it because I reported to treat people we will all together and Joseph wheeler convince me to follow a federal lawsuit in the district Court of Northern Ga. Atlanta,Ga. And also call Jefferson la and ask him who I need to call to the state to try to get this messed up get these people. Expecting housing incline county Express is Joe Murphy deputy director and he gave me a few date number I called and no one put I will see that but in a district court Deborah filed a lawsuit it did not have Captain Jeffrey Turner name on it are Clayton county government Police department he was a he was a witness for me because I brought him the news that I had already talked to Richard Belcher beforehand and those people Gail Davenport Joseph wheeler and Jeffrey Turner had already talked to Richard Belcher because I didn't want them to try to talk me out of not talking to her so I try to get some more more support from them.but my lawyer withdraw from the case except me satisfied letter told me that she's going to be what stuff from the case as my lawyer but funny how things happen she was my lawyer in DeKalb county Georgia and somehow when's new elected Sheriff Vic Hill Clayton county Georgia first black Sheriff, who fire same the Clayton county Georgia, Sheriff deputy, now Attorney was my lawyer and some how after Sheriff did something to the deputy black and white, this woman appear out of nowhere to be their lawyer yet to work for me because I sue Clayton county commissioner Crandall Bray, and James Eddie Williams. This lawyer what's my lawyer and for to not have Jeffrey Turner name as a witness to my lawsuit that she file, for me and this had tell his Superior he probably had done it already once I quit talking to him stop talking to him that day he probably did it already. Why his name wasn't on during the lawsuit I can't answer that I don't know what happened. I had a better chance if its name was on the lawsuit when she file it because he told his Superior and his Superior should have did an investigation. These folks had a timeline on me because they tried to cover this up they didn't want no one to know this that Jeffrey Turner what owner lawsuit as a witness that I have told him about the corruption in Clayton county community development no one wants you to know about this and I file it in the district court a Georgia and how did the wrong number get on my lawsuit I don't know, and I went to the 11th circuit Court of appeals with his name on it Jeffrey Turner Captain Jeffrey Turner Clayton county Police department, beside this Virginia grey she was a Clayton county commissioner and she told my half-brother to the fact that they were going to that the board of commission isn't going to allow me to suits them.
It on my paper I file. Because these cover up my lawsuit, and corrupt government these corrupt people a whole entire family died in a house fire that's why you won't you put me in jail in silence me straightening not to tell anyone you retaliate against me whistleblower and my oconstitutional right was violated.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Nathan deal violated his oath of office, he should have had district attorney pannel

I sue Clay county community development my boss James Eddie William, and Clayton county Georgia, board of commission C.C.Bray, guess what's the 1st lawsuit a file and I had lawyers my lawyer walk away from me and I keep on getting harassed by Clayton county Police department and James Eddie Williams broke into my home and I dropped the lawsuit and then I contacted Jill Scott the new elected Clayton county district attorney Anna her Lee Scott Dave is going to help me find out what the bottom of Clay county commissioners and clank and my former boss was doing. And I found out that at least got and his detectives deadhead work his wife office was trying to put me in jail because his wife what's the DEA and somehow they offered them something and I talked to the investigator am I home then we went out supposed to be went out to some property but he refused to go where he need to go that was apartment doesn't with built that didn't have enough fire stops in it and it would be dangerous for the folks who lives in the apartment.because it was built will fire wall,

I suited Jill Scott the Clayton county Georgia, District attorney, and the former district, Robert Kelly, and my former coworker sister who worked for the City of Riverdale Ga.a City in Clayton county Georgia. I Andjust had rent a building and need my business to start do Heat and air work. She refused issue my business license because I know her brother and he worked at Clayton county Ga community development where I use to work at  a police officer this man worked for the Clayton county Georgia police department.
So I filed a lawsuit to The district Court northern Georgia, Atlanta region and also I how to reinstate my Farmer lawsuit to sue Clayton county development and the Clayton county board chairman Clayton county commissioners CC Bray.

But my reinstate lawsuit had captain Jeffrey Turner the person that I reported you is to corruption in Clayton county development I went to Richard besser first and then I Daredevil port and Joseph wheeler NAACP former president. What I'm simply saying is that TCB I did an investigation Georgia bureau of investigation I did an investigation of Clayton county  center and my court records were there so the rock that I found in the district court with their so Nathan deal is a prosecutor former prosecutor a forma da and he know the law he's a former district attorney he know the law and he read those court document and he read that I had told Richard belzer he had Davenport Justin wheeler and Jeffrey Turner captain of Clayton county Police, and he Turner had to report it to his superiors nylon the debt Clayton county board of commissioner about it in Clayton county commission chairman knew about it and it's cheaper Clayton county Police department knew about it no one did anything about it they didn't do it and investigation they had kind of figure out a way to put me in jail what debt Court document file with different Turner name on it I didn't appear with 11 circuit Court of appeals and somehow the document Heather had the wrong case number on it and it would turn down but Jeff is sold in outside of case what's the court click the hat she had a contractor's write down with her send that with her and I asked the gate my document to the contract this guy worked in Clayton county I believe as a builder of Clayton county and he stopped my document I don't know who put the wrong number on it what someone put the wrong name on it to conceal that Jeffrey Turner didn't know nothing about it see if it's different turn knew something about it that would implicate him the police department Oakland county and the chief of police had to do about it and Clay county board of commissioners had to know about it and that board chairman CeCe break had to know about her who I was suing they interfere with my lawsuit because I was suing them that's why Clayton county Police Chief Robinson erupt her up and got out of there because he knew that was wrong what they were doing so he quit it was on and Justin Turner got my evidence and his was help put in jail to and to seal all my court records, by used the Clayton county Ga. Superior Court and cover-up all what they'd have done. These folks had pet scheme to seal everything up but former Governor Nathan deal had the Georgia bureau of investigation to investigate the case and they saw what had happened and a sad to destroy my home in Elberton Georgia Elbertson in the state of Georgia. And and Nathan Diaz, governor decide to meet with President Barack Obama, this run former Governor Nathan deal out of the United State congressman Congress because he had indicted Nathan deal and they did Nathan deal resign his house set and run for governor of Georgia. Nathan deal read all the document and he decide to go to President Barack Obama with his information because Clayton county Ga. government police captain Jeffrey Turner what's the one I reported to and he's a police officer and he reported to his superiors is chief of Clayton county Police Robinson, and he supported to his Superior Clayton county board of commissioners and commissioner of board of Clayton county C.C. Bray and no one did no investigation. So I ffe this in a northerndistrict court of Nothern Ga. And eleven  circuit Court of appeal in Atlanta Georgia, to a three men panel. And they saw this man name Captain Jeffrey Turner on court document, but someone change the court number only document it had the wrong number own it, and a judge at The district Court another Georgia who was the overseer of it make a joke out of it the paper that he sent me you put the wrong number on it made a joke out of it.but people die in home fire, in an entire family dad in one of The home fire all because Clayton county Police department and Clay county commissioners did not do no investigation I report it to Captain Jeffrey Turner and the fact that the state of Georgia became a neighbor they help Clayton county Ga, Government seal this fact that Jennifer Turner the chief of police a county commissioner and CC Bray all knew about this and Nathan deal help concealed the evident. I I guess they have change the document in a district court 11th circuit Court of appeal now I'm not sure.
As I think at it now all district Court of Georgia clerk of court or move after I found my first lawsuit I noticed the same clerk wasn't there, so this probably a plant from from the beginning that I would not when my lawsuit because it was fixed on the inside.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Why put a innocent man in jail because the governor didn't do his job

Who all knew about this in a Clay county government debt Jeffrey Turner deceive Clayton county voters and Clayton county commissioners who are in office now by not revealing his wrongdoing and the other commissioners wrongdoing Andy farmer commissioner channel wrongdoing c. C. Bray Cham up Clayton county commissioner board channel why did Nathan deal do his job the former Governor who had the judging bureau-investigation to investigate Clayton county Justice center Police department and he bred the rockers and he knew I had told Jennifer Turner what happened in Clayton county community development and turn it didn't do anything this is a Miss Carry of Justice. because state of Georgia refuse to do that job.

Fromal Georgia governor did his job Nathan deal misdlead the people of Ga.

I know that the Georgia bureau of investigation investigate Clayton county Police department headquarters is this the sun does Justice center in Clayton county Georgia and they remove Palma Cham CC Bray name off the building. And I know that they read all the evidence get reported this to Captain Jeffrey Turner Audi Clayton county Police department deck Clayton county community development Joe Murphy deputy director involved with corruption what pharma county commissioner Robin Moore jr. That he was that he was inspecting houses Joe Murphy was inspecting houses in robinwood subdivision he was signing off all the houses saint all the permits no other Spectra expected housing inspect the house except Joe Murphy and I reported this to Jeffrey Turner Captain Jeffrey Turner are the Clayton county Police department that should have been in the rockets because I reported is to Richard Belcher WSB-TV news reporter investigated for and then I report it to Gail Davenport concerned citizen of Clayton county Georgia and then I report it to pharma NAACP president of Clayton county Georgia Joseph wheeler, I know that Jeffrey Turner tow his Superior and they did not do anything about it because the fact that he was moved to the headquarters the Justice center shortly after that and then they proceeded to did shama of Clay county commissioner and the commissioner himself create it a plan to make Jeffrey Turner chief of Clayton county Police department so the pass Chief of Police chief Robinson resign what kind of job he got out he left Clayton countyGa. Police department and that created open because Jeff attorney had my evidence and all the things I had filing district court papers because of my family member 10 to see the job a chief of police of Clayton county because all the other candidates who applied for the job did not have the applicant my evidence so it was a sham they away with not doing their job.anyway it look like these people county commission got together and broke the Sunshine law Georgia because they did this a secret all but one commissioner go to Jeffrey Turner to be chief of Clayton county Police department now all the recreation center named after those commissioners who did this bad deed because no one looked out for the citizen itself I was a whistleblower I reported corruption death a government official give us his power 2 a spec houses a farmer commissioner Robin Moore jr. The gbi of Georgia investigate this and it went back and reported to Nathan deal the former Governor about what they had found I'm in lost now because they still trying to put me in jail and they kind of brought the truth that's unconstitutional because what Clayton county government done they hurt other family by not doing their job people died in-home fly because the county government didn't do the job now look like state of Georgia involved with me just mess to they refuse to do that job they should have put those people under arrest but yet they want to put me on a rest stop me from stop me from file a complaint I guess those people about their wrongdoing that is wrong the state of Georgia government how to spell the people of Clayton county a whole entire family died until a house fire they with the latest people who died in the state of Georgia knew about this and failed do their job. As a continue to try to put me in jail using the city of Atlanta and all other surrounding Police department by practicing unconstitutional laws. Not following the Constitution of the of Georgia and the United States of America Constitutional this is a miscarriage of Justice. And put civil service employee endanger but not falling the rule of law some even died and some even kill other people.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Paul Howard been help peace office.

Fulton county D.A. Paul Howard Jr. have did a great deal for peace office in Fulton county Ga. For to not believe him when said that it wrong to put a  to put an innocent man in jail is wrong and allow folks who doesn't want follow out to get away it is wrong.and stand up Justice and the sheriff of Eatonton county Georgia, who was the President of the Sheriff Sheriff association, who designed after making a statement that formal Ga. Deals is the devil because the govt was once a D.A. to unmind the state and local,and Federal law is wrong and to allow others folks get way it is wrong it would be unconstitutional.
I not sure if the ajc.vom was real about the fact there is and investigations Paul Howard Junior is true of not but that post not there at all on the website.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Today you need to read UNITED states
SALERNO,481 U.S. 739,746
I was a whistle blower for the Clayton County  Ga.
I reported on corruption in this government 
Because I did so, these folks continue trying to put me jail,but Fulton county district attorney Paul Howard  agree with Governor Nathan deals and this built his on State of Ga. Court house because it is wrong  Paul Howard jr been in this OFFICE for many years and he know what is right.
And refused to follow Deals because it unconstitutional to put a whistle blower in jail, because the Clayton County Ga government violated the Clayton County Ga law, and State of Ga,  and the UNITED states constitution.