Saturday, September 22, 2018

Those secret recording 16 Cd I do not have your folks refuseto whistleblower.

I'm whistleblower and I recorded take Crandall Bray and Wade star Junior is commissioner Crandall Bray office in Jonesboro when he what's Hammer of the Board of Commissioners in Jonesboro about about my former boss deputy director Joe Murphy Clayton County any Clayton County Community Development Office I was summer by the director of Community DevelopmentJames Eddie Williams to go to the commissioner office at his office I I secretly recorded the conversation Channel 2 WSB television station investigative reporter Richard Belcher I gave him a copy of and he probably gave it to his lawyer corporate lawyers to listen to and they may have recording of those and as well I gave it One I gave  to a former Atlanta police and he gave to Jill Scott and her husband she was Clayton County District Attorney at the time and I gave one of her detective just got Detective who work for Clayton County Government DA office round about 2007 Clayton County Police Department Jeffrey Turner what Chief of Police and he had all the copy and a copy of my computer hard drive as as was on involved in the case all this time they had all of them but 16, they have a copy of all my court document from District Court of Atlanta from my lawyer office  all the record  I didn't give it to him  how did they get and all therecording I had except 16 CD which I do not have now I hide them in my TVtelevision set there were 16 cd have a copy of all the cassette as well as Jeff Jeff at Turner  and the district attorney Jill Scott  neither one of them did anything with those  they had them in their hand there was an entire family died  in a fire and all the other people who died in a house fire in Clayton County  Georgia now these hope got my family member calling me  and trying to entrap me  because of those 16 CD recording  wade star jr. Crandall bray and myself  recording are no good to me now it didn't help stop just tragedy I don't have them  I really don't know what who got them  why would you try to get a family member to call me  and try to put me in jail about those 16 Cd recording someone played those recording on telephone over the phone I do not have them and I don't care about them you didn't do what you didn't do it it didn't serve its purpose because no one listen to me I'm a whistleblower I'm a pretty but no one listened to me and her whole entire family died and all the other people died out there in Clayton County Georgia because of greed and the town and protect those criminals I once again I don't have them it won't do me no good now it didn't do those people any good now only purpose is served now is to cover up criminal activity that did all of now I see I'm out here by the priest and all the sudden all the Atlanta police car stop pulling up  all you do is waste money to protect criminals  these people  should be given the RICO Act but you want to put me in jail and stop this but you give a young kid the RICO Act you have neglected our children  but you will give them the RICO Act  but you have you have protected  I'm still waiting on the fire truck alarm to come by right now  from the police car.then do your job

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