Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Is this a code.

1. I file federal lawsuit C. C. BRAY, MY FORMERLY  FORMER Boss of Clayton county Ga community development the dire6 Clayton county Ga CHAIRMAN OF Clayton board of Commissioners these folks use Clayton county Ga clayton county police,and Clayton county sheriffs Deputy to harassment the fay left his office two Clayton county police following me. The board had meeting they decided plan to stop me from go on with my Lawsuit. By use harassment these folks agreed to this and missed use their power. By use other county government to help them stop me from sueing them. when did call for a Clayton county grand juries,on them these probably call for one on me. because I had Hamilton County Commission cover up wrong do it for former Clayton  county commissioners a d my boss, and deputy director of Clayton county Ga community development. These never call no grand juries James Eddie Williams broke into my home. Clayton county Ga police Bob Taylorkeller office these did do anything department  did do adequate that District Judge, did hold theses folks accountable deep folk got all my evidence I had Lee Scott Jill Scott Jill Scott Clayton County Georgia D.A.
2. Clayton county Ga police department had all my including document from ticket court Atlanta but I did not give it to No One how did they get my evidence without me giving it to him Jeff a Turner or chief of police and he said all the evidence since 2006 the best of my knowledge I believe around by 2006 he have all my everything
But you folks knew about this since that time fortunate to live in the woods for cement to be homeless and would not help me at all and wouldn't allow people to help me and you use the churches for your evil doing.

3. I email the governor office for help He would not help me. Late on he help the other side just like Baker.I went to Georgia solicitor general office Baker and try to get help and a guy came to the door and told me I need to send the paperwork in and a woman other side the door said with the door close. Why don't you sue yourself so I did but that some  solicitor office stop me from sueing them. work on their behalf stopped me from suing had the district coury of Atlanta Georgia.
4. These use Fulton county government worker and county money as well the city of Atlanta, Ga. Government worker and tax payers money follow stop me from working in my profession and churches, City of Elberton and Elbert county government destroyed my home. 

5. These put me endanger all threat folks has threat me. THESE will not help me they want to leave Atlanta,. Fulton county Ga.

6. With all the evident  these have and fall use it because it a fact these want put me in jail people trying to get with pain and put me in jail Nathan Deal city of Atlanta with all those lies they told to the people. These folks knew about those takes sense 2007 at least I believe it in 2000 state of Georgia Theater and probably show Atlanta did too and when they got all those counted to come out to a state park call Olympic State Park in the Atlanta as we get on there timelines. When you when they got College University all the sheriff department and town of vehicle on that timeline they want to put me in jail. These acted in bad fath it still do but I asked a question why didn't they help me I'm whistle blower these refuse to accepts that.whilstle blower is a protected class in the state of Georgia and federal government discover mint is a pill to be corrupt look like one too bad after have messed up the whole government. But not doing their job they hurt other folks that the law protect them. And they supposed to lot also supposed to protect the Whistleblower as well.

7. But these folks want to put me in jail because I blow the whistle on these Crooks criminals.I reported this Clayton County State of Georgia city of Atlanta Fulton County Government and the TV station is Billy helping these folks it's wrong innocent people be hurt by the corrupt government and that the correct government corrupt all that date and a local employee that work for the the government.

8. All these mislead the public by not following color of the law. This the worst Injustice anyone can go to by the government because they won't follow the rule of law.
9. No one should put our churches in their wrong doing, why I can't get help can you see how so many folks has been hurtsvby this wrongdoing. To put me in jail is not going cover up your wrong doing what about our children you have destroyed with unethical wrong doing. Fire truck come and fire truck go yet this don't your wrong doing. Our children don't have a chance at all since 2007 they have witnessed all this wrong doing by folks call themselves the GOVERNMENT. You are destroyed our children's and future.

The laws have be the laws if the government fall to do their job.

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