Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Racism Don't play that game

On July 20-2019 about I entered my back I went to the doctor that day and I told the doctor that my back were hurting and I my stomach a hernia and a few days past I went to the emergency room 3 days in a row because of my back pain and the emergency room at greater hospital will not give me no MRI I begged them because I was in real pain sharp pain in agony and one time it does a state police officer saw me so I was in pain so much pain and the next time I saw him he asked me are you all right I said I'm trying to be October the 7th 2019 I had a operation  hernia repair operation and the next thing I was not allowed to get workman compensation I got into it on my job at work this conspiracy by Governor Brian Kemp I had three holes in my stomach and I had to get it prepared I got ended at work. The abuse had to endure at work continue to abuse harassment intimidation because these people felt that I was taking some away from them and besides that 12-07-2019 centennial Olympic Park and again I got attacked inside the night shelter 201 Washington Street Atlanta Georgia while I was asleep I got beaten unconscious and receivers a concussion a brain injurie had two with in four days.

2.racist governor of Georgia Brian Kemp create a new job for Clayton county District Attorney with the State of Georgia and create an opening and he got the solicitor general of Clayton county to agree with that she took the opening of being Clayton county District Attorney, and Tasha Mosley agreed to accept Brian Kemp offering  Charlie A. Brooks the job as the new Solicitor general of Clayton county Georgia, and Brooks selected former Solicitor General Keith Martin in 12-20-2005 that man brought two charge against me now going back and charge me again retaliated against me again I was a whistle blower governor Brian Kemp used these folks to put me in jail. prior to that around about ,3-12-2017 Gregory Porter former Clayton county Police department chief Clayton county Georgia Police Chief had reported corruption in his office in the police department to Governor Nathan Deal  and government deal sent the give to the Clayton county Police department it was named C.C.Bray justice department did Georgia be a GA. Bureau of investigation from Nathan Deal office state office went to Clayton county  GA. Found out Gregory Porter was right remove the name of C.C Bray from the justice center of the police department build. Now racist governor Brian Kemp want to put the name C.C. Bray on that build. Jeff Turner was protected C.C.Bray as was giving  job to be Clayton county GA first black police chief all my court brief was there inside C.C.Bray justice center with out my  Authority I gave my court briefs to no one it was taken with out my consent. For twenty years that man retaliate against a whistleblower as a federal law CC bray  My home was destroyed in Elberton Georgia, took off my belongings in Athens Georgia out of my storage locker and the state of Georgia law department Atlanta Georgia Police department wouldn't allow me to work Putnam county Georgia Sheriff Howard R. Sills call Nathan dear a devil after Brain Kemp Governor of Georgia said he for small Government why this Solicitor General created a job for former Clayton county Georgia district attorney and got the former Solicitor General Tasha Mosley to because the Clayton county Georgia district attorney and selected Charlie A. Brooks to be the next Solicitor General and Brooks selected former Keith Martin these folks lost the of Georgia millions dollars over the let's say the Mercedes-Benz stadium and now retaliated against me I stop the Georgia legislators and the governor from taken over Hartsfield-Jackson airport in Atlanta Georgia by going   

2.5 on Twitter and twitter I was at 867 Peachtree Street Atlanta Georgia middle town and I prayer first then got on Twitter and this was first time someone in side Starbucks was looking at what put down and I hear the white man say to the black man they going to take over the Atlanta airport. and I didn't know how these folks could see what I was on Twitter and use the plant from.

3  I've been deprived of medical treatment by my primary care doctors and from Grady hospital emergency room physician not giving me an MRI 3 days that came there in a row they refuse to do MRI on my back in 8-14-2019, 2016 8-14-2019' 8-15-2019, 

4 I was diagnosed with major depression disorder power of it until 0120-2021 and I ask for help from the Court apoint counselor and the on 09-01-2020 USCA case 20-13115 date filed 02-09-2021 I want before MARTIN and BRANCH  circuit judge and Carol R.Lewis refused to get me apoint counselor, 

 Case ,1:20-cv,-2507-TCB,  1:20-cv-2507 SCJ

1:21-cv-01468 CDL and no 21-14481JJ these refused to get me appointment counselor

It appeared that these discriminate against me under the American was disability act my rights were violated because I should have had an appointment attorney, the the biggest problem is state of Georgia is the blame they took over churches, our churches are in peril because our government took over the black churches and that's you see all the murders and killing going on because you have took over churches no government to take over churches I'm a black man a whistle blow and if you mistake me for 20 years define meal of my Justice and you expect people to believe you and follow you and your  phony a $37 bill why telling folks that you believe in small Government you undermined their trust.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022


 The state of Georgia brought Friendship Baptist church and Mount Vernon Baptist church 

Mount Vernon Baptist church sold for 14.5 million dollars the owner of the Atlanta Falcon paid 8.3 

million dollars and the GEORGIA WORLD CONGRESS CENTER AUTHORITY paid 6.2 million 

dollars.  Friendship Baptist church was paid 19.5 million dollars by the owner of the Atlanta Falcon.

one Sunday morning I went to Friendship Baptist church Atlanta, GA. around about the 03-16-2008

one week earlier I had gone to the Atlanta city council meeting and told them that I was the descendant 

Calhoun and two Mayor of Atlanta GA. James Calhoun, Williams Calhoun my father's name was

 James Calhoun, and of the Pastor assistance preach that first Sunday and sermon was about black 

forks coming together to stand up for right that day it was encouragement and the pastor happy preach 

from Ebenezer Baptist church came to Friendship Baptist church Atlanta, GA. and meet with the 

Pastor, the next Sunday Pastor said the assistance had left the church go up north and he begin 

Threaten me and said out in morning service in public don't come to this church again if you do, I am 

going have put in jail one of the members of the church who was a judge and she just writing a new book. I was so humiliated heartbroken that I can't come to church and get no peace.t was very sad day of my life in now Mount Vernon Baptist Church pastor Will very upset with me as well because I went down to city council meeting and said that I was a Calhoun And he was very displeased because what I have done and I proceed that it was a threat and he said to the members of the church don't hit him. Now the time has passed when the land of the church in the churches were being up for sale and the city of Atlanta GA Mayor Reed said that if churches wouldn't agree to sale their property that he put Eminent domain on Atlanta City mayor Reed wanted the church to take the first offer that off Arthur Blank  in Atlanta falcon offer them and and they said no because it was the Atlanta GA. Mayor Reed demanding that they take the money and the state of Georgia was offering the othe part of the money it was mayor Reed who the land to  build a new Mercedes-Benz stadium the owner of Arthur Blank  the falcons said we have land on the other side to build the new stadium but it was read insistent that they to build in the location where the Atlanta mayor Reed and the churches decided to sell their property and it got the money they got for it them. Father more read begin to go to the Republican primary convention and he was a Democrat it appeared to mean that it already had been set up that the state of Georgia would take over the Atlanta airport Hartsfield-Jackson airport interstate would take the running operation of day-to-day operation.

At the end at the end of the day I found out that day was having a voted to take over heartfelt Jackson airport and that will take it away from the city of Atlanta because they both land from those churches the voters of Atlanta didn't have no say so in this so I got to pray and I went on Twitter I was in a coffer house that day and I began to tweet and somehow the legs later got my message he went viral because I believe that why s*** somebody from the southern part of the Georgia have control of Atlanta City airport belonged to the city over Atlanta why should Georgia says later how controlled of the airport it was not right so the legislator rejected taking over the airport and the next thing I knew councilman few days has passed councilman Andre dickins ran to the hardfield Jackson airport and put exhibit about John Lewis one man can make a difference and if one man can change the world and stop the Georgia legislators from doing wrong make them do the right things State lost a lot of money because it was done the wrong way he should never been in the churches buying the land for the church business anyway. that's the people money who pay taxes it's not the the other says later money and they did the wrong thing now they going to retaliate against me put me in jail because I adopt them from doing that taking over Hartfield Jackson airport it was wrong from the very beginning they had plenty of land to build a new church anyway it was the mayor of Atlanta Reed demanding that they build the stadium Mercedes-Benz stadium where the churches were at and he want to create a way to give away Hartsfield-Jackson airport in Atlanta Georgia people pay taxes let them priorities they pay the taxes so they should have decision to say who get the control of the airport not some bureaucrat from South Georgia and now these folks want to put me in jail because I stopped them from taking over Atlanta hartfield Jackson airport. 

5 United States President Donald Trump and I'm out of days he came down to Atlanta met with the business people and the state of Georgia because I stopped them from taking over half of the Jackson airport in Atlanta Georgia then Donald Trump the president of the United States offered them highway 75 to build another two lane to highway 75 going down to Florida because their effort fail.