Wednesday, August 5, 2020

A whistleblower

When someone reported about government doing corruption. And the put whistleblower in jail.because and that the way the corruption government do thing.

Where my refund form IRS

Why  sueing the government
And has the power because withhold your money it been since middle of the month of May and it is 8-5-2020 today. And the whole is my refund.

A whistleblower

To report on government corruption and the government retaliate against them put them in jail. And use him put immigrants American citizenship, they failed to do the job because they've failed to support the public.

Overreacting president Donald Trump

To day I need help because I have 
F11th circuit Court of appeals 
appeals if I don't get the money
to $500 they going to dismiss my 
lonce I do that they're going to put me in jail I'm suing the government.