Sunday, August 25, 2019

Will You help me in jail

I need help will me with a spine specialist  when put me in jail, these  parade me around in different Country want me to go   restaurant and me to eat at then to show folks that were treated good if so why allow me to a spine specialist.

My back is hurting these refuse help me because want put me in jail.

On Friday evening for the first time a long time I get it to go to Grady hospital to see a doctor the pope refused to allow me to go to see a primary doctor.ever I had a Grady card couldn't get a primary doctor from greatest Healthcare System.

That is evil and sick it's just like uncivilized folks would do. That total wrong.

 signed the ca primary care doctor at Grady Hospital I can go to that doctor get a specialist to see for my take out my back.

Will my be without pain again of will get a  every get a back specialist to look at my back and tell me why I continue to have pain day in and day.

These folks have paralyzed me because my back on a continues hurting me why folks refuse to do the right thing.

Will State George help with seeing a a spine back specialist to check out my back

These folks continue tring put m in jail, because I was injured at Holder construction group where work at I hurted on the 16th of Jury 2019 I got hurted  and was in pain every day just look at

Fulton county sheriff's cama Etsy Courthouse South Fulton County they have me on cam Saw how hard it was for me get up that I was hurt. that some major wrong with my back and I cannot get someone to help me

I did go to doctor because this personal did have my interests at heart I could not go to Grady Memorial Hospital because I didn't have a Grady card.

I work at another job site with some company I am day laborer and had to work by Dfac force work over time I made more money than should have these at

my back is still hurting me now and groin I got to have surgery operation to repair my groin for my growing. these folks want put in jail and refused allow to see a back specialist. 

These folks support help sick personal I went Mercy care I can un stand that help the homeless to get off the street, you fall help me with my back

because of the pastor down on

Auburn Avenue and make these promises 2 spokes that they would get American citizenship to the business community and they will get the homeless out of the city of Atlanta answer the fitness hope that they

would have got Atlanta Hartsfield International Airport that man Donald

Trump has came to Atlanta twice somehow God didn't these folks to take over Atlanta Hartsfield Jackson Airport these folks trying put in jail take back to Clayton county Ga

where I was awake whistleblower

These wouldn't listed  to me a holding a whole entire family died in a house fire.because because refuse to believe me now these want seal up that never happen

want the homeless at of  leaving the area closed down homeless shelter in Midtown Atlanta Georgia they're making me

scapegoat by pudding me in jail I did nothing wrong

midtown Atlanta,Ga. by put me in jail this will happen, my back my back is messed up I got hurt at work why would a doctor on a government piece of paper send it.

 I never have chronic back pain I never had chronic back problem  and my life I got injured at work And state of Ga. You said power to put me in jail I have done nothing wrong.

I cannot get a back specialist to look at my back because it is hurting I think I have no damage in my back.

I've been to the Grady emergency room three times in one week yes something major wrong with my back I can't a xray for my back that I been ask for these x ray my hip.