Tuesday, May 28, 2019

WHY Want these folks WANT live UP to the UNITED CONSITIUTION

why should I be allow to eat in the State park or city of A Atlanta park, but to be force to eat at and eatery where cult leader and city and state have there witness to see me eat my food. why should be allow to eat food where any AMERICAN of GEORGIAN eat at in ATLANTA, GA. after all that what all American soldier die for. and that why we have memorial day. these folks don't want to be see here in ATLNTA, GA. because refuse go along with there cult religion that force you to follow there leader, and I WITH THE LORD HELP STOP HE USE ME STOP THAT ATLNTA AIR PORT TAKKE OVER. WHERE IT THE BIGGEST EMPLOYEE IN THE STATE OF GEORGIA AND IT THE BUSIS AIR PORT IN THE WORLD. IT GOT WORTH SOMETHING THESE FOLKS HVE MONEY IN THEIR BUDGET TO HELP ME GET PLACE TO STAY ND GET OFF THIS STREET. THESE USE THEIR EMPLOYEE AND GREAT DEAL MANHOUR TO KEEP ME ON THE STREET. WE ALL AS AMERICAN CITIEN HAVE RIGHT TO READDRESS GOVERNMENT THAT WHAT THOSE AMERICAN SOLDIER DIE FORE, MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. BELIEVE IN UNITED STTE CONSITUTION, AND ALL HE WANTED FREEMDOM FORE EVERYONE TO HAVE.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

These folks keep trying to Niger rigged.

There a work that some old folk would say when the authorities police, lawenforcement use law foolishness on black folks.they would you been Niger rigged because this only effect them as black put them in jail and law to take their property things of value Are because them folks just hate you. Retaliate against you when someone in the right they number do this to control the situation and get the power back to them self I miss using the power of the law. That is Niger trigger if you report on corruption all white people and they retaliate against you and they would pay people if they see you eat anything just give people money if see you eating food all mammals eat food how can you live without eating food.