Saturday, January 5, 2019

The repairer of the breach.

In bible in book of Isaiah 58:12 you find these of God part c - 12 chapter The repairer of the breach. Like wise the next Governors of Georgia on 1-11-2019 must begain to be the repairer of the breach, restore confident in our government. I rememberjust few months ago when the department of family services may been told that had to relocate because of there employers was under taking high risk action that put them endangering their action may effect there welfare, some some may relocate to another location and may stop working state of Georgia, some theses worker start used there cell phone and take pictures of me because they blame me because they had relocate to another location, but it wasn't me it was their employers, and their governor that refuse to do what right I am a whistleblower these folks refuse to protect me. And next Governors must restore trust that the government is for the people and it by the people, that breach right now just routine traffic stop that will call the police officers his life get published untrusting of government the government has failed the people that day supposed to be protected it's sad to say that we don't have no test search in Georgia, Jeff session, a Mad Dog Mattis in Georgia. that people would stand up for their rights stand up for the people rights even if it caused them to lose their job. And it must be so confident back into government the government won't undermine the trust other people will the government will be there that thegovernment will be that government that anyone work for the government and Report corruption and the government will do that job stop the corruption and not try to put the one not put a whistleblower in          jail that report corrupt acts that affect the public at Large. These refuse to stop right now when you have police have to be confused that they think people are going to kill them because I'm just government have undermined the trust of the people at Large right here in Atlanta Georgia housing I've heard of police shooting people and and this area people who was had no clothes on what kill  police shooting way up because there no confidence in there Government  no Bureau crack has right to put any employee in danger and Hazard condition there employee jobs is to protect and service. These keep trying put me in jail becauseI'm a whistleblower. I did nothing wrong I just stand up for what right. To do know right and do wrong is sin and it evils what evils action of few will effect you direct of indirect it will effect you way of life.