Thursday, December 6, 2018

Implement change through incentives will upgrade our building safety.

First and foremost state of Georgia's need to implement new stricter building guideline fire rateing material for apartment residential home commercial building and give and incentives business owners apartment owners commercial residential homeowner retrofit property not only does the state of Georgia do this but cities municipality counties need to need to help  property owner  and commercial building, homeowners public and private property to retrofit their property. Now that the inter rate is at an all-time low this is the right time to implement this for safety children our family our pets and general public adult, children and those that  comes to  visit us at our home, in our  state live motel hotels would be safe State officials and local official implement this safety initiative  it is imperative  that we  began to make chains  and implemented in a way that  within 6 years  all building it and all home  would be safe  for our family our pets  and I will Neighbors  and I will visit to who come to visit us, that home,apartment,commercial building that they will be safe. By giving these incentives Andy home owners a commercial building will be upgraded with more safe building material. Be safe products have been on the market since 2004 it's now time that we Implement them can make all home all commercial building office is more safer then you are now. By doing this you create more job more Revenue and it will be more safer for our family and our friend and our visit and our state of Georgia which we love we be using these measure we will be safe I'll pets would be safe and I friends and family will be safe