Sunday, October 7, 2018

Sign affidavit at the Secretary of State office broke the law

I ask you pray for our our government  perjury is against the law when sign to run for office in the of Georgia you have go to Secretary of State of Georgia office and pay fee and sign affidavit you have made a promise protect the constitution and the citizen and Commonwealth the state of Georgia, when elected official fail to performed a duty  it's gross negligence.
1: you can't pass the duty some else you make that promise and it is your duty to fulfill it

2: newspaper attorneys and television station attorneys notice if it not fulfill you put citizen in danger police officer fireman

3: it's a civic duty to make sure that the electric official be held accountable for that action that you put the public in danger if they don't do that job it's very important
4: these are elected officials in the state of Georgia they have to do their job to live up to that promise they had may when they sign the contract to running for office they perjury themselves but not following the rule of law and put the public and Public Safety in endanger by not following the rule of law. No private citizen should be doing their duties and elected officials  because the electric officials  made the promise  when sign the affidavit at Georgia Secretary of State office that he or she responsible  for  there action the state of Georgia and its citizen Commonwealth since I've Jessica Russell as a whistle blower that Clayton County Georgia my government has removed police protection from me as of 2004 8 27 roundabout.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Mess in ATLANTA, Ga. This help created this mess.

John ch 8 verse1 -11 6 This very familiar scripture that Jesus was tempted by scribes and pharisees Route 1 to him at Walmart a woman that was that was taken in adultery in the very Act now Moses law in the law of  commanded us that such should be stoned:buy what sayest thou? Phase they tempting him that might have to accuse him. But Jesus with finger wrote on the ground.  As though he heard them not. They continue asking him, he lifted up himself and said unto them,
1:you better off not listen evil doer
2 folks will to do all thing to get into their wrong doing.
3: Jesus said he without sin among you please readed these verse left him first cast a stone at her
4 noice what say any one you without let him cast a stone at her. What said just cast one stone at her you notice he did say three of five stone just one stone Jesus made so  simple if they were telling the truth would be so easy thing to do
5:again he stooped down and wrote on the ground
6: and they which it convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one beginning with the Eldest and either one until the last one.
7: you're old enough you should know what's right , the Elder supposed to know what's right

8: and ask the woman a question where are those  accusers ? Hath no man comdemned thee?
9: and Jesus lifted up his head and saw no one there but the woman and he asked her a question.
She replied and said no man Lord and Jesus said unto her neither do I condemned the go and sin no more the the bottom line is that she was wrong Kosmos love do said if you get caught in the very Act of committing adultery with a married man you should be stoned to death both of them but they only brought the woman so they try to mislead Jesus, but GOD KNOW YOUR heart

We have mess here in ATLANTA, Ga the folks know the truth it so easy to do the wrong ,when they want be head accountable when you scheme up plan that displays homeless folks that's good for business people this team is good for keeping,please with your wrongdoer so easy put innocent folks in jail please the high powerful Rich folks that you can make a mess out of the law that you can put folks in danger who would under you that's a bureaucrat won't resign in the state government
or local government he refused to acknowledge their wrongdoing.

When Sonny Perdue used state of Georgia taxpayer money  to fly all over the world looking for job these folks new that they were doing the wrong thing that you could could put an innocent man in jail because he eat food and get the folk to lie about he eating food we know thatpeoplr food you got to eat food to stay alive food is at a commodity we all human have to eat food

Why should Atlanta text fail Atlanta taxpayer and the state of Georgia paper bureaucrat wrongdoing not willing to follow the rule of law that put innocent folks in jail. Of course I know that Barack Obama want to come to Atlanta the campaign for this candidate a democratic side I know that you want to displace the homeless folks and your way of doing that is to put me in jail get me out of Atlanta.

How do you build credit you lied to the people of Georgia then do the right thing now everyone else has to pay for your own doing destroyed our churches foolishness you having fun the fabric part of America here in Atlanta Georgia and across the state of Georgia. You refused to yield and do the right thing and you want to put a whistleblower in jail to protect Criminal and it coming to act a bureaucrat that's 
 wrong that's not nothing to do with Martin Luther King ask the wrong doing. And this place is going to close on a 19 and all the places that hungry homeless people closing up congregate is closing up.

And taxpayer money.
To use homeless folks, you don't want to know many you created evil for me.